IGD-TP Exchange forum #6
The 6th IGD-TP Exchange Forum (EF6) will be held on November 3-4, 2015 in London UK, at The Thistle Marble Arch hotel.

Annually, the IGD-TP Exchange Forum brings together the geological disposal of radioactive waste community in order to i) informally discuss common interests in RD&D, ii) highlight IGD-TP ongoing activities and EC projects, iii) initiate or enhance collaboration with other organisations, iv) explore new ideas that could complement the IGD-TP Strategic Research Agenda, and v) prepare future activities and projects that may be developed in the framework of the EC Euratom work programme.
For this 6th edition of the Exchange forum will specific key-notes speeches will be given in plenary session.In addition to the plenary sessions, four parallel technical sessions will be organised around four topics:
- WG1 - Novel thermal treatments for waste
- WG2 - Bentonite homogenization
- WG3 - Cement Organics Radionuclide Interactions
- WG4 - Spent fuel dissolution
This year, the IGD-TP Executive Group has decided to review EC projects that were completed in 2014. These are PEBS, MoDeRn, First-Nucleides and REDUPP projects. The aim is to present the outcomes and assess the achievements of these projects. A review will be carried out by an expert in the area including an assessment of how the projects have helped to achieve the IGD-TP’s vision.
Furthermore, the three technical projects accepted by EC in the framework of the Horizon 2020, 2014-2015 Work programme i;e. Modern2020, CEBAMA and MIND will be presented