News - JOPRAD Deliverables
All JOPRAD Public Deliverables are now available !
News - JOPRAD Final Workshop
JOPRAD Final Workshop was held on 16 November 2017 in Prague!
News - JOPRAD Programme Document Workshop
JOPRAD organised on 4 April 2017 a Workshop to present its Programme Document.
News - Open Consultation - JOPRAD Programme Document
JOPRAD launches an Open Consultation for the Programme Document
IGD-TP 5th Exchange Forum in Sweden, 2014 Event - IGD-TP Exchange forum #6
The 6th IGD-TP Exchange Forum (EF6) will be held on November 3-4, 2015 in London UK, at The Thistle Marble Arch hotel.
News - JOPRAD Mid-Term Workshop
Report and presentations available!
News - JOPRAD Regional Meeting
JOPRAD is organising a Regional Meeting in order to inform on, engage and involve countries with less advanced geological disposal programmes (LAP) in the process of Joint Programming (JP) and its preparation within the JOPRAD project.
News - JOPRAD Newsletter #2
The second issue of the JOPRAD Newsletter is out!
News - JOPRAD Newsletter
The first issue of JOPRAD newsletter is out!