WP3 - Basis for the “Programme Document”

The aim of the work package 3 - Basis for the "Programme Document" is firstly to bring the definition of the research programmes for the three types of organisations involved in JOPRAD to a level of maturity that will allow elaborating the “Programme Document” in work package 4.
Thus, the main tasks should be:
- Identify key aspects of the IGD-TP Strategic Research Agenda, SITEX Strategic Research Agenda and Research Entities views that could be included in shared programmes,
- Document cross cutting activities (for example Education & Training, Knowledge Management and dissemination strategy) for possible inclusion in the JP, including possible means for their implementation. This will include the integration of relevant activities implemented under the European Security and Safety School (EN3S) for Education & Training and Knowledge Management;
- Propose and prepare the mechanisms for interacting with Civil Society on the common cross-cutting issues and determine research topics relevant for society notably social science,
- Set the conditions that should be met for allowing the construction and management of a joint scientific programme that balances the interests of the parties involved in the research associated with radioactive waste management.