The JOPRAD project is a Coordination and Support Action funded by the EC through the H2020 Euratom programme. The goal of JOPRAD is to prepare the conditions for the setting up of a Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Disposal.
Scientific and technical knowledge has been acquired over more than 40 years of geological disposal and has allowed countries to progress towards licensing (Finland, Sweden and France).
RD&D effort at European level will continue to be necessary throughout the lifecycle of geological repository within the field of radioactive waste management in order to ensure optimization of management routes and of disposal solutions, and to comply with the Waste Directive obligations. RD&D will also continue to be compulsory to address evolving regulatory concerns. This RD&D must also be maintained and increased throughout the incremental development, operation and closure of disposal facilities in order to ensure innovation, competence maintenance, knowledge management.
Setting-up a Joint Programme is a step change in European collaboration towards safe radioactive waste disposal through a credible and sustained science and technology programme fostering mutual understanding and trust, and ensuring societal visibility and transparency of research and development.
Such Joint Programme would bring together at the European level, those aspects of Research and Development (R&D) activities implemented within national research programmes where synergy is identified. The joint R&D activities concern geological disposal of spent fuel and other high activity long lived radioactive waste, including waste management aspects linked with their disposal and other key activities (Education and Training, as well as Knowledge Management).
For further information about JOPRAD, see: