JOPRAD MTW Presentations

Session 1: Context and objectives of Joint Programming (Chairs J. Slovak – F. Plas)

Welcome - host country, J. Slovak, SURAO

National context on radioactive waste management in Czech Republic, E. Muřický, CZ

European vision on Joint programming in radioactive waste managementR. Lečbychová, C. Davies DG-RTD

Vision for Joint Programming, C. Serres, IRSN

How we have undertaken the JOPRAD Project to date, J. Miksova, CVREZ

Session 2 : Joint Programming – The way it could be implemented (Chairs: J. Miksova – G. Buckau)

Benefits/Added value of Joint programming, J. Slovak, SURAO

Establishing a legal scheme – The European Joint Programme scheme, B. Autrusson, IRSN

Current Status: Definition and implementation of activities, C. Serres, IRSN

Civil Society engagement in the joint programming: purpose, expectations and added value, G. Hériard-Dubreuil, Mutadis

Current status: legal documentation, governance, and funding mechanism, J. Delay, Andra

Session 3 : How research priorities have been identified and establishing the programme (Chairs C. Serres – A. van Kalleveen)

Establishing the priorities: views of the Waste management Organisations, R. Kowe, RWM

Establishing the priorities: views of the Technical Support Organisations, F. Lemy Bel V

Establishing the priorities: views of the Research Entities, B. Grambow, CNRS

Establishing the priorities: Horizontal Activities covering Education, Training, Knowledge Management and Knowledge Transfer, G. Buckau, JRC

Session 4 : Way ahead – Discussion (Chairs: J. Martin –L. Nachmilner)

Discussion and feedback from the audience, J. Martin, RWM

Production of the Programme Document: WP4, J. Martin, RWM

Session 5 : Conclusion (Chairs: B. Grambow – C. Davies)

Summarizing the overall outcomes & Next steps, L. Nachmilner ; J. Martin, RWM ; J. Delay, Andra

Closure of the meeting, J. Slovak SURAO